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The Living Memory Association podcast showcases memories of days gone by, the past brought to life by the hundreds of people who have told us their stories.  Executive production by GT Music,  Intro and Exit music by Setuniman at

Dec 31, 2018

The sixteenth episode of The Thelma Tapes is themed around New Year in Scotland in days gone by, with wonderful memories of frantically cleaning the house, kissing policemen at the Tron Church gathering, beautifully sung party pieces and Uncle Jimmy playing the accordion all the way from Leith to town stopping for...

Dec 20, 2018

The second instalment of our Chistmas specials (episode 15 of the Living Memory Podcast) was recorded early in December 2018 at The Little Shop of Memory, with memories of Christmas from as far back as the 1930s from two of our lovely guests who are in their 90s.  The City Mission Xmas party, eating chicken instead...