Dec 31, 2018
The sixteenth episode of The Thelma Tapes is themed around New Year in Scotland in days gone by, with wonderful memories of frantically cleaning the house, kissing policemen at the Tron Church gathering, beautifully sung party pieces and Uncle Jimmy playing the accordion all the way from Leith to town stopping for...
Dec 20, 2018
The second instalment of our Chistmas specials (episode 15 of the Living Memory Podcast) was recorded early in December 2018 at The Little Shop of Memory, with memories of Christmas from as far back as the 1930s from two of our lovely guests who are in their 90s. The City Mission Xmas party, eating chicken instead...
Nov 30, 2018
In the first instalment of the Living Memory Association Podcast Christmas Specials we showcase some wonderful festive stories from our archives. This selection of interviews was recorded at The Dove centre in Wester Hailes in the early 1990s and has some of the most heartwarming and heartbreaking stories we have ever...
Nov 22, 2018
The 13th edition of The THELMA Tapes brings us recorded memories of taking those first steps from leaving school to joining the real world. This episode of The Living Memory Association Podcast features John (94 years old), Helen (93) and a host of lovely guests talking about their first ever jobs in Scotland from...
Oct 26, 2018
The twelfth edition of the Living Memory Association Podcast focuses on tenement life in Scotland from the 1930s to the present day, with personal stories from our guests of rats as big as cats, collapsing landings, scary bed bugs, 90 year old neighbours and taking your turn to wash the stairs.